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22 Februari 2011
Apparently Many Holes Air Underwater
Scientists at the Royal Research Ship James Cook had discovered a few air holes underwater volcanoes in the South Seas.
These results are the findings of the four created by the research team within the last three years. These findings also indicate that the air holes in the deep sea may be more common there than originally expected. Similarly, as quoted from Eureka Alert, Monday (21/02/2011).
By using an underwater camera system, the researchers looked at reefs resemble three-meter-tall pipe that will remove the hot water in the bud. Then the air holes under the water with a depth of 520 meters is also found in the waters of the South Sandwich Islands, a collection of isolated islands, a distance of approximately 500 km from south-east of South Georgia.
'When we first menemuka air holes, the sense of excitement is extraordinary, "said Leigh Marsh, a student from the University of Southampton, who became an observer for the study.
Underwater air holes in the seabed, where water with rich mineral content and microbial colonies. Within three decades, the scientists first discovered the underwater air holes in the waters of the Pacific. Until now has approximately 250 air holes under the water that is found throughout the world.
'Now we are more often found under the sea air holes from the previous one,' said Professor Paul Tyler, the leader of the expedition from the School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton
By studying the air holes under water, the team hopes to understand more about the distribution and evolution of life on the ocean deep.
The researchers now are studying 'Adventura Caldera', a crater-like hole in the seabed at a depth of approximately 750 meters. This site found by experts from the British Antarctic Survey geophysicist last year.
Research conducted by scientists is part of a project funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), which involves researchers from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, Univertas in Southampton, Newcastle, Oxford, Bristol, Leeds and Woods Hole Oceanographic Instution in the U.S..
Network Marketing Training -- Arm Your New Distributors for Success
"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them."
- William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act III, Scene i (58-90)
Hamlet may not have been talking about network marketing, but his words do apply. Almost every network marketer has experienced the "slings and arrows" of the naysayers, those often well-meaning friends and relatives that stand in the way of our making an "outrageous fortune!" Experienced network marketers, clothed in the armor of past success, are less vulnerable to outside influences. The new distributor, however, is vulnerable, and that "sea of troubles" can act as a barrier to reaching their true potential.
What did the knights of old do to prevent an injury? That's right – they armed themselves. Their armor was heavy and cumbersome, and they needed a squire to help them prepare for battle. Well, the same is true for your new distributors. While the armor they must use is less cumbersome than that of the knights, you must help them arm themselves for success. In other words, you must be their squire.
What do I mean by "arming for success?"
When a new distributor joins your network marketing organization, they are moving into an environment that demands strong armor. There are a lot of "slings and arrows" that can hurt their chances for success and create a sea of troubles -- of doubt, disbelief, even failure.
As Rich Dad, Poor Dad author Robert T. Kiyosaki points out, most people in this world are afraid to experience success. They are held back by negative thinking, and consequently suffer the pain of mediocrity. Because they have not been armed for success, and are more focused on security and survival, they subject themselves to a life of servitude and poverty and being someone else's employee
Arm your new distributors from negative thinking and potential disaster. How? By understanding why so many people are negative about network marketing and the prospects of the success it can bring.
Let's face it. There are a lot of people out there that do not want you to become successful. When you are successful, you point out the lack of success in their lives. When you take away any excuses they've been hanging onto and you force them to look at their lives as they really are, it makes them very uncomfortable. You've heard of the expression "Misery loves company." Well, it's true.
Doug Firebaugh, network marketing guru, calls it the "Unspoken Understanding," which is simply the silent agreement that most people have with each other, namely "don't mention my mediocre life, and I won't mention yours." Your success and the success of your new distributors, just points out the naysayers' mediocrity.
Leaders help others. If you are going to be successful in network marketing, you must arm your new distributors against people who will try to convince them their business won't work. Show your downline you want them to be successful. Encourage them. Show them how the most successful network marketers have achieved their success, and teach them to model those attitudes, habits, and actions. Remind your distributors that they are the CEO of their lives. Arm them with the power of positive thinking so they don't let others live their lives for them with their negative attitudes.
To paraphrase Hamlet, by opposing negative thoughts, we end them.
21 Februari 2011
Revolutionary Hero Indonesia
Do you still remember the first elementary lesson of our time about Revolutionary Hero of Indonesia? I think many who have forgotten about it to remember my post about the Heroes of our Indonesian Revolution was just ok yes ...
Indoneisa Revolutionary Hero is a title given to a number of heroes who died in the events of general or movement G30S 30 September 1965, this event was a terrible event considering the number of officers who died in it. Title of heroes of the revolution is not excessive if it is given to the generals who died in the events of this G30S.
At that time the new order BRAIN accused of the September 30 Movement is the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) and who should bear the death of the heroes of this revolution are the lackeys of the Communist Party of Indonesia. But this is still a controversy tesebut considering the evidence that PKI involvement in the movement of 30 September is not strong.
With regard to the hero of the revolution, there are some names or the generals who died in the events of september G30, until finally jengdral-general who died in Indonesia given the title Hero of the Revolution, the names of generals tesebut is below.
Revolutionary Hero Indonesia
General TNI (posthumously) Achmad Yani
Lt-Gen. (Posthumously) Mas Tirtodarmo Harjono
Lt-Gen. (Posthumously) Siswondo Parman
Lt-Gen. (Posthumously) Suprapto
Major General.
(Posthumously), Donald Isaac Pandjaitan
Major General. (Posthumously) Sutojo Siswomihardjo
AIP II (posthumously), Karel Satsuit Tubun
Captain CZI (posthumously) Pierre Tendean
Col. Inf. (Posthumously) Sugiono - died in Yogyakarta
Brig. (Posthumously) Katamso Darmokusumo - died in Yogyakarta
In addition to the above Revolutionary Hero, there are other deaths 30S G events are:
Katamso Dharmokusumo, Brig. Posthumous
Sugiyono Mangunwiyoto, Colonel. Posthumous
Karel Sasuit Tubun, AIP II
Ade Irma Suryani Nasution's daughter Jend. AH Nasution
World's Most Awful Place
This residential area diLondon best known for the song A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square, is also the most haunted house in London! 50 Berkeley Square is home to many ghosts, the earliest is that of a young girl murdered in the 1700s by a sadistic maid. He was often seen on the floor crying and wringing. the other is a another woman trying to get out and then fell from a window - she is a ghost who is often seen hanging in the window. Meanwhile, around the 1870's, the neighbors had heard a lot of screams and moans coming from the house. They also heard furniture moving, sound of bell, and windows smashed.
20 Februari 2011
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